Coach Ana
Hi, I'm Ana Coppola. Celebrity personal trainer, Gladiators AUS contestant, Australian Ninja Warrior - season 5 contestant, founder and author of Brazilian Butt Express.
YASS! You guessed it, I was born in Brazil!
To your surprise, back in my country, I studied Law, worked with litigation at an English law office named Linklaters and just later - two years after abandoning my “dream, respectable and stable career” I became a personal trainer in Spain by the European Institute of Fitness (EIF).
You must be thinking: ‘Cool story! But how then, from Brazilian Tax Law to celebrity personal training?’
I can explain...
A week after landing in Australia in 2008, while still in a hostel, I started working at, then, the world’s largest privately owned health club: Fitness First (initially at the Randwick and later also at the Bondi club, both located on the Eastern suburbs of Sydney) - where I worked for 12 years and became a senior personal trainer, a boxing group fitness instructor, a writer and an ambassador for both Australia and Malaysia groups.
It wasn’t all fun and games. It was mostly hard and many times I did miss the high salary, the prestige and the stability associated to my previous career path. However, the one thing I never missed was the “dream”. Because THAT exact transition (from Law to Fitness) was my DREAM then and it is my DREAM now.

Coach Hooms
Hi, I'm Hooman Momtazi, competitive bodybuilder, founder of The Supplement Factory & co-founder of activeX.
I was born in Milton Keynes in the UK, I moved here with my family when I was only 3 years old. So I have spent my whole life in Australia & loving this lifestyle. When I was growing up I always looked at pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger & thought I want to look like that!! My grandfather was also very much into big muscles living in Iran. When he would come to visit us in Australia even as a 70+ year old he would always go for walks and do his push ups & pull ups everyday (he would do between 200-300 push ups & 40-50 pull ups). I always admired him for being big and strong & not letting his age be a reason to not be strong and healthy. I always liked to play sports such as basketball, rugby league and skateboarding (even though I was bad at all of them)
So how did I get here?
So my older brother finally convinced me to come with him to the gym one day, after that first session with I was HOOKED. That feeling of soreness the next day was amazing!! I wanted to go with him every day he trained & train with him. It wasn’t all fun and games. It was mostly hard trying to gain muscle, I went extreme starting at 65kg skinny kid to around 105kg in the first 12 months eating everything I could get my hands on (a whole loaf of bread, a whole BBQ chicken 🐓 & a 1 litre bottle of chocolate milk 🥛for lunch was pretty standard for me 🐷. I would also dip into my brothers protein powder & his creatine which he was very accommodating to share with me for the most part.